The Hike | Hewitt Tomlin

Support Hewitt and his efforts at National Links Trust’s ‘The Hike at East Potomac’ on Monday, June 9th

My earliest memories of golf in Tennessee were watching my dad return from Saturday rounds with his best friend, always excited about their time together. Since then, my dad, brothers and I have bonded over golf - mostly on local municipal courses.

Wherever I've lived, public golf courses became places to make friends. In the DC area, Langston and East Potomac helped me reconnect with the game and meet new people. Today, visiting East Potomac with my two sons is the highlight of being a father.

While the resurgence of golf is exciting, preserving municipal courses is crucial to keeping the game accessible and welcoming to newcomers. Golf is so many things to so many people: a tool for health and longevity, access to the outdoors, etc. Let's make sure that it also stays something important: A public good for local communities.

- Hewitt

WAYS TO Support

Supporters of Hewitt’s efforts have the option to donate in an upfront donation and/or pledge their donation based on number of holes played, birdies or eagles made, and more. Please use the below buttons to contribute. Thank you!